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Welcome to Yvette's !!!

How fucking foolish I was to believe that Yvette's was ever anything but the very apex of CSS! It's not a bastardization, it's genius.

Yvette's Bridal Formal is Web Design 3.0. Look at this fucking quote: Web 3.0 — Unique colors, shapes, pixel-perfect alignment, and more!

Every single element on Yvette's site has hand-chosen colours, and positions, and it's full of custom art.

Yvette's has a Passion for Fashion ~*

Ace Space was a Chatzy-based chatroom that ran for a few years when I was a teenager. I joined it in July 2014, either during or shortly after the DashCon weekend.

Thanks to a friend of mine, Grims, I got the original chat logs and can host them here, for anyone to see. But before I let you read this, let me offer some context, and a warning. Some of the pronoun sets displayed here are outdated; I know mine is. I also lied through my teeth about graduation, regarding details about a restaurant and a church, because I was taught at an early age to never tell strangers on the internet anything about my school, and I interpreted it, in a Garak-like fashion, as "lie lie lie!" The bridesmaid thing was a ruse to get more people to click on the link, to explain why I, an avowed marriage-hater at the tender age of 13, would ever link to a dress site. In any case, what I did end up wearing to graduation was a hand-me-down from a neighbour, and graduation happened in the school gym, like any sensible assembly.

Name changes on Chatzy, the best chatroom platform, were also frequent and silly. You could also join the same chatroom under multiple names if you use multiple tabs. They changed that behaviour since then, and but it can still be enabled by a chatroom administrator. Me and my friend Vens are responsible for the safeword policy, since we caused a lot of chaos by pretending to be each other then accusing each other of being an impostor.

Exclusive facts! After the initial pasting mishap, I had to type everything I wanted to paste character-by-character, because I was scared that the pasting mishap would happen again. Also, the music didn't auto-play on my browser for some reason, but when I visited it on my first ever smart-phone when I was 14, it would automatically download the files. That was a significant chunk of my music library, alongside the Homestuck soundtrack.

The initial chaos developed into a long-standing obsession, to the point where the word "Yvette" is auto-filtered on the chatroom's new host on Discord. I've only been in the new implementation a handful of times, but the last time I did go a bot warned me for using the word. But the chaos had to have an engine, of sorts. A V8 engine.

V8 illuminated ,
please click here !! ~*

To call Yvette a bridal shop would not adequately encompass the kinds of things one might find on there. There were recipes for apple pie, art galleries for oil paintings and MSPaint creations, arcane maps, and of course, psychological thriller and conspiracies.

One of these conspiracies revolved around the alphanumeric V8. V8 is an esoteric symbol etched into the stars themselves, woven into the fabric of DaVinky's most famous works. V8, drenched in the eponymous vegetable juice as well as ancient energies, quickly became a meme in its own right.

We did not know what we were doing when we unleashed it.

I can only pray you forgive me.

Magical thinking like V8 helped cement Yvette into my head to the point where, at one point, I believed she was a deity. For context, one of my friends (well, we lost touch a long time ago) was a witch, and when we met up in real life for the first time, they brought out their divining thing and explained to me the concept of a thought-form.

To Be Continued ~*~*~*